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Around the Bend

Voy Kay 08 Jan 2021

It's almost a year since I first took interest in this recreation. I'm pretty certain that it would've been a small disaster if I'd painted this one year ago. Now, my foliage, stones, trees, amongst others, really improved and I felt confident to take it on today.

Canvas used was a budget 12"x16". Hardest part was the water and the lay of the grass. I won't name it the easiest but the most fun were the evergreens, the bushes and the rocks/pebbles.

Hope you can enjoy this one!

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Sure your feet became wet by signing this one! Nice water and bushes en trees on the background.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Joha, I noticed from the very start that I had a good day with the trees so was very confident and motivated. It does help!

Till next one!

I love the color of water you have here and your evergreens are especially amazing! Great job!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you for appreciating Kaylaq.
As mentioned to Joha, those evergreens were a hit from the start and I really focused even more from then on.
The water, I had to really work with that since I had too much of it at first (so added an extra lines of bushes). Then the water became too bright so I changed my white fan brush to a darkened fan brush and was stunned with the result!

Felix Creator of

Better than the original! Your colors pop!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Best compliment I heard in a long while!

Thank you Felix, making me humble and blushing!

very nice, love your rocks

Another hit Voy. I had to look at the original one twice after reading Felix's comment, and I agree with him. The colors in this one are so vivid and the trees, bushes and rocks are very realistic.

Beautiful, I especially like the water and the evergreens in front.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Toadi. I decided to vary there a little and took two different base colours. One is brownish and the other is gray based.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Super comment Gassanba, thank you so much for the compliment!!
And to imagine that in real, the painting is better then this picture. A maintenance guy saw this one yesterday in real and asked me if it was a photo or not. I couldn't speak for seconds!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Indeed Umagaan, I doubt if I can ever paint better evergreens!

so did you do that double sided brush technique on the rock Voy? This painting is just so amazing I keep coming back to it !!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

I sure did Toadi!
There are some tips I can share if you like:
1. Use a cat tongue brush iso a filbert. It has really upgraded my stones!
2. Load the brush with the base colour (dark) and then go through the light colour with one side only. MAKE SURE you hold the brush rather flat when doing that, so that enough light paint will be at the tip of the brush. That way, you can do several stones in a row AND with a better highlight.
3. Vary the base colour. Here I used brown and the other blue/gray. Gives you two colours of stones!
4. Adjust the size of the cat tongue to your desired size of stones. Thus you will have more control of the brush at all times when painting those stones.

Thanks so much for your cheers, have fun and good luck!!

Voy, do you have recommended Cat Tounge brushes? Quick look on Amazon, and I am not sure which ones I might want to try. This is a lovely creation!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hello Heather, mine were bought in a budget store (as a set of 16 different oil brushes) and are brandless. It doesn't matter, I believe any type will be good since cat tongues only come with soft or semi-soft bristles to my knowledge.
While a filbert is mostly harder, cat tongues are not but still strong enough to paint rocks with.

Send me that link please for those brushes and I will have a look.

Hi Voy! I was looking at both ends of the spectrum here.
Here's the cheap, synthetic version I thought I might try:

Then there's the expensive version (currently out of my budget) that I added to my painting wish list:


Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Heather, it's not exactly the kind of brushes what I meant. I will send the info to your e-mail, so that I can send a picture along with it.

me too please with the email thank you

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Okay Toadi, will send you something soon!

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