I took my sweet time to do this one. I wanted to just relax and enjoy my time today.
I love everything about this painting that Bob created.
I got a new 2” brush so I tried to do my trees and bushes with it. It finally worked. Tho, I need more practice. At the end, for the 2 big trees in the foreground, I used my oval brush.
Happy Monday Dirk! You will laugh at me but… I don’t even know who won! Lol!
Thank you so much! Bob has some masterpieces and some “whatever” paintings. This one def belong to the masterpiece category. They are challenging but sooooo rewarding to do. When I saw this one in my book, the roots of the tree really got me excited. Unfortunately, in the video, he doesn’t really make them prob due to a lack of time.
Hi nancy , the Chiefs did it .Not my Team ( Dolphins) but it was a super close Match . And youre right some Details are not in the Video . Today I bought a few colors that Bob didn't use as much as I know but Bill. I had talked to Tom about it. Mauve, orange, rosé.
Thanks for the updates!😀 I put a picture of the book version above so you can see all the little differences.
New colors!!! 🤩 I am sure you will be able to use them on Bob’s too. It will probably save you some paint. We can waste a lot when mixing them.
Very nice Nancy
Thanks Nancy . 👍🏼
this is gorgeous! One of my faves
Thanks Matt!
Thank you Jessie! This one has climbed up in my top 10 favorite.
Superbowl? Isn't that the game played by men with funny shaped balls? ( I'm a cricket fan myself!! 😁) Anyway, bac t the important stuff, this painting is beautiful Nancy, those front two trees with their twisted roots really captivate the eye 🤩
Thanks Niv!! ☺️
Yes, that game with that funny shape ball thing called in America Football (very little to do with the feet actually)! I don’t watch it anymore. Cricket is so complicated… I couldn’t understand a thing when I was in England. We don’t have cricket here in America.
Oh yes you do , I was thinking of going out there as a coach at one point, you even have an international USA team! 🏏🤣
😳🤯 What??!!!! Never heard of it!
😳🤯 What??!!!! Never heard of it!
So crisp! The roots on the tree are my favourite part!
Thank you Marc! The roots are actually in the painting of the book. Check the image I added below my painting. That’s what makes that painting so special indeed.
Oh yeah I didn't see that! Anyway, I like your roots better, they stand out so nicely
Thank you Marc!! ☺️
https://www.majorleaguecricket.com/ 🏏🤩
I will def check it out! Thanks Niv! 😀
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Good morning, Bonjour Nancy. It was a short night due to the game.🏈 I have the video for this picture. Your painting is spectacular. The trees with roots are a grenade. I am very impressed 😎