16 x 20 oil on stretched canvas. Not my best work but decent. I didn’t like the big clump of trees in the middle on the original so I moved the trees off to the side and just let the one tree in the middle be the focal point. Also, I’m not using dark sienna but something called brown pink that was recommended at my art store as a substitute. It really isn’t brown enough, as you can see from the background trees. They don’t really look like they are way off in the distance like they are supposed to.
You did such a great job Brian!!! I actually like that brown pink for your background trees. It gives a beautiful autumn flavor. Your focal trees are gorgeous! Love your creek! This look really amazing. You should be happy about this painting!
Thanks. As always, there are things I like and things I don’t like about the painting. Like Bob says, if we’re ever totally satisfied of the painting we may as well quit painting. I just get frustrated sometimes because I really struggle with making my brushes do what Bob’s brushes do. In the videos he just tapped his brush on the pallet and then taps his brush and the painting and beautiful colors come out. I do that and either nothing comes out or mud comes out. I really wish I could find one of these Bob Ross workshops or somebody could explain what I’m doing wrong and tell me how to do it right.
Tom, I'm sure to a practiced eye there is a distinct difference between them. They pretty much serve the same purpose. It doesn't really show it well in the picture but this Brown-Pink has tone that sort of works in place of dark sienna but definitely has a brighter, sort of orangey cast to it. Bob's original is much darker than this, over all.
Maybe I caused confusion above. I wanted to say that I use burnt umber as instead of dark sienna. To me those two colors are the same. Actually Bob used burnt umber in the early series.
I think the water and the big tree turned out great!
Great foreground trees!
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I think it is a really good painting. Regarding the dark sienna, I mainly use burnt umber and cannot figure out the difference to dark sienna. To me they are the same colors.