I picked another one of the least BR painted paintings of 2021 from Matt’s list. It was only painted once that year.
Super fun to paint! Love the color of the sky that Bob picked. So pretty and warm! Still struggling with my cabins. Specially the roof. It always gets messy somehow.
Not only the cabin is (almost) perfect!
Wow this is super. The colors used are beautiful together!
Thank you Matt! I saw the one you made last July… it was perfect! I think the next one on your list will be “Splashes of Autumn”.
Thank Jos! ☺️
Thank you Brian! Bob did a great job with the selection of his colors. It’s hard to believe that only 1 person from TIB painted it in 2021. It was a bliss to paint!
Beautiful painting! The cabin is beautiful as are the sky and trees, bushes! Great job!
Merci beaucoup Sandy! The cabin is always a challenge. I work at it for a long time. I still struggle putting the roof/snow on it. It can turn into a mess easily. It looks so easy when you see Bob doing it. How do you do it?
lovely, the sky is wonderful
Thank you Nivek! It was one of my favorite thing to do in this painting.
Wow - This is beautiful!!! I absolutely love the way you put some snow on top of the letters in your signature. What a great touch! The foreground shrubs are just outstanding!
Thank you Tony! Glad to see you noticed the little add on to my signature. 😀
I really like the depth in this painting. I really feel like I’m looking out a window at real scenery. Such great use of color even though it’s a winter scene. Well done! You’ve inspired me to try it myself!
Thank you very much Brian! I am really glad I gave you the itch for it. You will love painting it. It was, like Bob says, a “Joy of painting” moment. If you feel to post it when you are done, I would love to see yours. 😊
This is so crisp and clean looking. Love it!
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You did a super job! I think this is a pretty scene.