I found this painting enjoyable but difficult. The water was surprisingly easy but I always struggle with trees and bushes. I used water mixable oils.
What a great idea! Thanks, Sunnylady. As a beginner, I really appreciate constructive tips like yours as I constantly run into the barriers that my lack of experience presents. I will try that.
I know what you are talking about and when we cannot resolve a problem due to inexperience and it makes us sad, mad and what not... I will tell you I was surprised when I mixed AC + Phtalo green, it was not brown color at all... Some chemistry/physics really kicks in in some of the mixes and give incredibly beautiful results.
By the way i did not tell but your water is very alive! I love that you used muted white.
Forgot to tell you may add some white to the dark mixes to see what you got as color will not show itself without it.
Thanks very much Sunnylady. Yes, to take the time to practise mixes is a very good idea and to keep it as a record, as you said above. The cad yellow that I had was very orange in tone. Much more so than the one Bob was using, even though they both had the same name. I realised later that I got a better result mixing the sap green with a greenish yellow such as lemon yellow. I am learning so much! Thanks again. Much appreciated.
The trick with the name may trick you. Let me share one more piece of info - each tube has pigment number and best guide is to cross check pigment numbers.
For example Cadmium Yellow is expensive pigment and it can be dark, medium or light tone.
Sometimes manufactures replace expensive pigment with substitute and call it Cadmium Yellow HUE. It is not true cadmium yellow.
Generally, all Cadmiums and Cobalts are expensive.
Cadmium Yellow (hue) will have Pigment PY1 when real Cadmium yellow will have PY35.
PY = Pigment Yellow.
Ah, you are a gem! Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge, Sunnylady.
This is beautiful, I have considered water mix oils and how they would look compared to standard oils, and tbh they look amazing if your paining is anything to go by,
Your rocks, and bushes look really amazing, and those trees! Wow.
Thanks, Mrs C. I really appreciate your feedback. My only concern with water mixable oils is which brushes to use as manufacturers say you should use synthetic brushes - their own brand, of course, but Bob says you must use natural bristle. I use hog hair bristle mostly and it seems to work ok. I am always grateful for the water mixable oils when I am cleaning up. So much easier.
Love the brightness of the painting.
@Sunnylady: I love reading your ideas and advice. And thanks for the tip with cad yellow. I immediately checked my CY because the last tube I bought seemed kind of off, and sure enough, it was cad yellow medium hue. Well, now at least know what to pay attention to next time I'm buying paint. Thank you!
Thanks, Umagaan. I agree that Sunnylady’s tips are very helpful.
I love the rocks in your waterfall. You created a lot of movement!
Thanks very much! I find that the rocks always look like they are not working until I put on the highlight colour/s and then suddenly they work. It takes me much longer than Bob though! : )
I am glad that info was helpful! But the best thing that you went ahead and applied it in action. Have a great day!
Looks great! Like the bushes and the rocks in the water!
Thanks, Ramon. Much appreciated.
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You have got a great painting here! Greens are the most difficulty for many of the artists, you have a great start here with value.
I may suggest you exersise to unleash your green mixtures:
One panel will be called SAP GREEN mixes:
on a panel put on one side your various green 5-6 times in a vertical column on the left
On the right add in the column opposite that green yellow, bright red, alizarin, brown, blue, black, every color you have pretty much...
Connect them and see how the color changes and what color emerges. .
If you have Phtalo green do the same.
When it dries you can use it as a guide in creation of the color to get more artistic power in your greens.