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Quiet Stream

johnnyandviki 28 Feb 2020

Still just trying to learn technique. Need alot of practice with making tree limbs. I feel like I ruined the painting by putting in the dead tree. But, at least it's a happy dead tree...


Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Bob likes to do this, when he has still time left at the end, yet unsufficient for a full tree (with leaves and so), he parks a dead one in the painting cause that takes him only seconds! You are a brave person, taking on the first season which I personally am so afraid of. Good job!

So much movement in the water, and that tree fits so perfectly there too, certainly didn’t ruin anything, the rapid water close by poor things going to o get washed away, maybe that’s why it is there, the cycle of nature.
You have Great depth and colour in the bushes, love the water edge too.
Trees can be tricky, dead or alive, I think you did great here.

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