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Sunset over the Waves

Voy Kay 17 Nov 2020

Final seascape meant to be on display in the living room, next to 12 other seascapes already hanging in there.
If I do any other seascapes from now on, they will be just for fun or giveaways.

This was painted on a low quality 12"x16" canvas. I use low quality for practically all black gesso paintings. It saves a lot on your budget!!
Most easy here were the wave, the rocks and the clouds. Hardest part colouring the sky and adding the water sparkles.
It does look a bit empty .... perhaps I should add some birds on the right side?

Please enjoy, feel free to comment, and read/comment some articles please!

Featured Article How to better prepare, set and upload your painting pictures.


Very nice those waves..

Voy this is lovely! What a great final addition to the wall of seascapes in your home. All of the colors are fantastic. I think some birds would like nice but I also think it’s really great the way it is!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Noha! This is an early sceascape from Bob and he focused enormously on the sky and partially the waves. I feel like the waves are very okay indeed but that something is missing! Some land, birds, a tree .... Maybe it is just me!
Anyway, all 13 needed for my living room are now finished, I will publish pictures of that very soon!

Thanks for appreciating and till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Heather, insomnia made you comment on this one early! What else could I hope for?!😊😊

You love the purple, don't you!!? I was afraid of that color so intentionally, I wasn't very generous with it and I think it gave a better result.
Personally, this creation could use something so yeah, I might throw in a small flock of birds!

Many thanks for your cheers and till soon!

Ha, yes not a great night of sleep for me, which is unfortunate because I have a day of driving ahead. Always a joy to be able to admire your work though, insomnia or not. Another one I am sure I’ll appreciate more on the full screen versus phone later this afternoon.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Heather, my thoughts are with you! And thak you again for all your wonderful support, friendship, appreciation, friendship, admiration, friendship, insights and friendship!

Not to mention friendship!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hahaha, thanks .... almost forgot that one!! 😋

This is great Voy, those waves are awesome and that sky!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hehehe, great visit Nivek! Waves were relatively simple to do and that sky was immaculate because Bob took so much time for it!
So glad you love this!!

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