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Days Gone By

Voy Kay 30 Mar 2021

It's been a while since I took on a Bob Ross painting. This one was chosen under impulse/inspiration of HappyLittleAnna, who gave us such wonderful recreation, and was also intended as a warming up exercise to pimp my version of 'Indian summer', which will be uploaded later this week.

Budget canvas of 12"x16" was used. In fact nothing really difficult here but also nothing very easy. My mind was not always focused and that showed with some poor finishing here and there.

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I've always thought this painting looks tough. I like the building. Good work.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

It takes a lot of brush cleaning Jeremiah, specially the sky! My bridge could've used some more details though!
Thanks for commenting and cheering!

Very cool path over the water! That looks fun!

Good job for warming up exercise Voy!
This is tough-to-do-painting. Linear perspective is the key to resolve it. I have not attempted such combination even on paper.
Waiting to see your pimped Indian Summer!

Haha, glad to be of service! Fortunately your bridge is easier for the wheelchairs to navigate through! I love your sky!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thanks Brooke!
Actually, the water was unintended since Bob wanted some kind of ditch created there. I tried to follow him yet was dissapointed he never really finished this. So I added a little more bushes and in fact, from a distance, it does look like water and it comes out very well, specially with that bridge!
Felt lucky there!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Indeed Sunnylady, it has been weeks since I touched a brush, so needed a good warm-up!
This painting is less easy then it looks, that is true and I would love to try this one again but with my ideas and perspective then.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Anna, the inspiration to my transpiration! 😅😅

I really paid attention to the steepness of that bridge which worked out well, except for the railing which had to be done with a too big size knife.

Between us, I already ordered a smaller painting knife in China weeks ago, but guess it is stuck somewhere in a container on a wicked boat inside the Suez canal!

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