Tree in front was tough! The liner brush wasn't working for me. Tips?
Thanks boja. I ended up just using my knife to do that tree. I ran out of some supplies part way through this painting too! I think i'll redo it. Also, what is "underpaint"? Lol I'm a novice.
Love your water! If the color is right I've used liquid black for tree branches and it works really nicely. (See my Silent Forest and Secluded Forest trees for the result.) Another community member suggested linseed oil instead of paint thinner and I just bought some to try.
whell... spots that you plan to cover with close up layers is underpaint , that spots you can slightly dry with towel... :D
off course you can thin colour with linsed oil
Thanks guys! Looking forward to taking another whirl with those techniques!
i really like the variety of greens you accomplished in this painting. It is quite striking. Good work!
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More thinner... longer liner brush... try to dry underpaint with paper towel