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Winter Bliss

Voy Kay 09 Nov 2020

For completing season 27, today's paining is 'Winter bliss'. This ressembles somewhat to 'Icy lake' S24E9 but with less colours then.
The black oval was dificult, I never managed to made that perfect, sorry for that! How to create such black oval is already explained in the forum:

Another option might be that you finish the painting, take of the contact paper and paint a thin contour around it with black gesso. That does recruire eagle eyes and a steady hand!

Canvas used was a HQ 16"x20". Hardest part were the mountains and the foreground bushes. Easiest the big trees and the background trees.
In all, only three brushes (Two 1" brushes and a Davinci nr. 0 scriptliner) and a palet knife were used for this.

Please enjoy, read and comment some articles, stay safe and happy painting!

Featured Article Two good ways to create and cut an oval


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