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Distant Mountains

Any1CanDoIt 17 Apr 2020

After I was watching forgotten weapons my other half said the presenter reminds her of Bob Ross. I had know idea who he was so we decided to watch an episode and I've been hooked since. Many episodes later we decided to have a go on our wedding anniversary so we went out and bought cheapy brushes and an easel.
This was my first painting, one thing that I hate now is cheap easels that could blow away in the wind and plastic scrapers.
We have since improved everything hopefully you can see the difference in the paintings as we go. My other half went out and bought another easel for Christmas without telling me, it is just a bit better than the old one so will be upgrading again to a proper studio one just won't let her know.



Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Your other half is a wonderful, loving person! Great try Any1, hope to see more of these from you!

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