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Ocean Sunrise

Any1CanDoIt 11 Oct 2020

Haven't painted for awhile so decided to paint this one for my nan's 80th. She was so happy with it. She had hinted for months that she wanted me to do her a painting.
I think this was my quickest painting yet in just a couple of hours, I think I prefer doing paintings with less colour choice.



Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Definitely a community's favourite! Birds and grass are very impressive with their size, it does well for the creation.

This painting is one of the most favourite of the Bob Ross episodes and I'm certain your nan wil find the best spot for it to be exposed.

Really nice painting! Such a wonderful scene! It is a wonderful present!

My nan loves it, she moved her clock and replaced it with the painting. Buying a frame for her now.
Thank you for the comments :)

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