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Reflections of Calm

DaveJ 18 Dec 2021

I really enjoyed this painting on an A3 canvas and trying the reflections from the bottom up. Unfortunately the distant mountain mix (with much more crimson than blue) ended up on the light crimson side of lavender rather than the blue-light grey side; with less contrast between the 2 sets of mountains I should have picked it up when I started the closer mountains and changed it then, but I was into Bob’s painting process and not looking back and evaluating. Unless of course those distant mountains were more exposed to a gorgeous pink setting sun; that I missed! Otherwise I am very happy with this painting. This was painted straight onto stretched canvas as a final production without doing a practice draft first. And I enjoyed the a suggested beverage before cleaning up and finding a couple of little annoying things I did that could be fixed before a 2nd photographing.



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