This enjoyable pretty little painting this morning on an A3 canvas came up quite well I thought. I had a bit of trouble with the amount of paint where I went to put the white on the birch trees and it became a bit difficult to control - but that is the first time I have done birch trees - so given previous experiences, I am ok about it.
Someone has remarked that I am quite busy with painting lately. My wife is busy doing grand-daughters birthday as well as general Christmas cooking for our family gathering and given my intensive ‘quality control testing’ has banned me from the kitchen and ordered me to - ‘GO PAINT’!
You have been a busy painter Dave
Really pretty!
Guard that wife Dave, she is worth tons in opal! 😋🤗
Thanks everyone, very much appreciated. I'm really enjoying painting now that I am finding it easier.
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Dave, this is wonderful painting! I like where the viewer stands to observe this landscape. I think birches because not pure white fit better in the painting, if there were pure white.