is a database listing all Bob Ross Paintings, various guides to get you started with painting, a great search function to help you find your next painting, and a wonderful community you can share your masterpieces with.
All PaintingsInterested in starting to paint?
Head over to our "Getting started" guide to find the
easiest way to begin creating your own masterpieces.
Our "Tools & Color" pages has everything you need and tips for which items are really
important and which are just nice to have.
To help you save real money when buying your supplies we've created a dealfinder that shows
you the best deals for Bob Ross painting equipment on
Check back often for great deals!
DealfinderMore than 6000 painters from all over the globe have joined TwoInchBrush to share their paintings with others.
Join now and become a part of the movement!
Create AccountEver wondered if "real" people can paint just as well as Bob Ross?
Check out some of the paintings our community members have submitted and see for yourself!