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Original Creation

The family tree

mbbrickner 27 Apr 2022

Oil on wood panel | 8”x10” | I called this painting this name because I started it right before the birth of my second son and finished it a few days after he was born. Some of the brushstrokes were done with a baby in the other hand. I have painted on some scrap wood boards before, but this was my first time trying an actual painting panel. I liked the experience but I would probably put 3 coats of gesso on rather than just 2. I also used water-soluble oils for this and just love they way they work.



Congrats on family expansion!

To me painting panels suck oil too much. I used double primed and tried smooth technique on them. Not a success. But with more body in paint layer they behave better.
Plus a bonus - less storage needed. :)

Thank you! I do find that the panels perform much better with heavy globs of paint. I can't say I like more than stretched canvas, but I like the solidity. I should probably more intentionally compare it to a canvas board.

I love the creativity here and detail you put into the tree. Got a chuckle out of you painting while holding your baby. Now that is multitasking! Congratulations :) I also agree with you about what you said regarding Bob Ross: “Although I know Bob Ross gets some criticism from the art community, I love how his style makes art accessible for all people.”

He may be “simplistic” in his work but I agree that without him many many artists would not be painting today. I remember when the pandemic started and I was going through really difficult circumstances, I tuned into one of his shows to relive the comfort of his art and voice when I watched him as a kid. Never in my mind did I imagine I would attempt to paint. Now I can’t imagine not painting. Might be overstated or cliche, but I really do think God used him to get me out of my funk. Have a great day :)

Thanks, Happyisland! I'm glad to hear that you found solace in Bob's work. His approach was definitely therapy for so many who watch(ed) him. I too have found his approach to be emotionally beneficial.

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