Overall, this is my 70th painting. I was really excited for this one. I have never stepped outside of my comfort zone as much as with this painting. I recall reading something Felix wrote about these friendly competitions we could have on this site and that the entire point would be to paint something that really challenges us. This was that kind of painting. There were many times that I had thoughts such as "no, you can't paint this, don't even try" but I tried to push through those thoughts and try anyways. I've never really been able to draw, but I still tried to paint all the cats and the owl. I think the biggest challenge was painting that jack o lantern! Overall, this painting was really fun. I created the background forest using black gesso and then added oils on top. I almost didn't add that tree at the end but I'm glad I did. 18x24
Perfectly spoooooky! The cast shadows on the the gravestones add a lot of dimension. Careful viewers are rewarded with all kinds of details. I love that jack-o-lantern.
I love all the little cats but the real star is the jack o lantern. There’s a lot of detail in it and I think it was time well spent. Great job!
I agree with dracula. You've managed to push the gravestones into the limelight without sacrificing composition or perspective. I'm glad you took the challenge!
Great job, love all the detail, the pumpkin and the gnarly tree!
Thank you all for the nice comments! There were definitely a few 'happy accidents' throughout, like the inadvertent shadows cast by the tombstones. It happened by mistake once when I was cleaning up the bottom of one tombstone to create the illusion that you couldn't see where it began as it was shrouded in fog, and I really liked the effect it produced so I repeated it for all of the graves.
Great painting! I am so happy for you that you stepped outside and did not listen your internal critic. This is great painting! I love those two eyes of someone in the dark! Foggy effect and shadows are fantastic!
Fabulous. Love the misty background.
I like this one very nice it alway give me ideas when I go to other people’s painting very nice
Congratulations with getting award for TOP submission! I absolutely love this cemetery and you very well deserved this recognition!
Thank you all so very much! This was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Many congratulations! Fully merited!
Congratulations on winning the Halloween submission!! Well deserved!
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Wow! This is stunning! I love the foggy effect, the cats and owl, the jack-o-lantern, the graves... all of it! This is super spooky!