My small Bob Ross paintings were accepted into a local non-profit art gallery, Deep Valley Arts Collective! The free exhibit was "Small Works" as a way to get local artists artwork accessible to the public and easily taken off the wall for holiday gifts.
During the opening on Friday Nov 3rd, 2 of my paintings sold! S1E1 A Walk in the Woods (the very center one) and S28E4 Golden Rays of Sunshine (bottom left). Before the end of the exhibit, the bottom right S18E9 Seascape Fantasy sold.
I priced the paintings from $20 - $45 and self selected to donate 50% of the sale as commission to help fund the gallery. I wish this kind of gallery are available to all painters! If you'd like to find out more about the gallery, please visit
I've now hit a weird early holiday slump, but hope to be back at the easel soon.
Super and congrats with your exhibition and sales, what did you put on the descriptions beside the title?
Thank you both for your kind comments!
@joha the plaques had my artist name (#mybobrossadventure), the episode title as the title and price. No other description.
In the bio plaque not shown I explain that I hope my paintings will also inspire others to go on their own Bob Ross adventure of painting.
Awesome, congratulations!
congrats on this, very inspiring! I hope to make works that others will want to buy some day :)
How did you decide on pricing?
Thank you Cosmo and Jeffth!
@Jeffth, I actually started my pricing between $10 - $25 and the gallery workers said I was under pricing myself. 😅 They suggested pricing between $30 - $50 but that didn’t feel good to me, so I compromised and settled on the pricing I set.
If I had framed the pieces, which a lot of other artists did, I’d definitely have priced additional cost for time, material, and markup.
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Good for you! Keep at it!