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Original Creation

Halloween TARDIS (still in progress)

doggymommee8301 26 Oct 2020

18x24 oil on canvas. This was going to be my Halloween submission, but it looks like I missed the deadline. Darn. It’s not totally done yet, but I was going to submit it like this, because I knew I’d never finish the TARDIS before the deadline. Oh well. Anyway, have the TARDIS to paint, and some shadows and highlights on the front row of gravestones to do yet. Hope you all enjoy. I’ll re-post it once it’s totally finished.



I was super confused because it’s still oct 25th where I am but I noticed that it says posted oct 26th. Forgot that Felix is located in Austria. Nevertheless awesome tardis! You have my “vote” for what it’s worth. Any chance that there will be some weeping angels creeping around that cemetery? Actually...maybe don’t. I’ll be afraid to look away.

If this is the unfinished version I can’t wait to see what the final will look like!

Thank Lilikins. It’s still Oct 25 for me too, lol. I didn’t even thing about the different time zones!! Anyway, I hadn’t thought about the Weeping Angels either but what a FANTASTIC IDEA! I think they’re probably a little beyond my skill level. Maybe next years Halloween painting will include a weeping angel or two... Thanks again for your kind words.

Added some shadow and highlights to the graves before I decided to call it a night. Now all that’s left is the TARDIS!!

(See the added photo for highlights and shadows)

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Brrrr, what was the Doctor thinking about landing there?!?!

My daughter (the better artist in the house) is hooked on the series and has a model Tardis. She loves these creations!

Well Voy, according to River Song, he sometimes forgot to disengage the e-brake, so perhaps this landing was an accident? Hopefully (time permitting on my end), he will find himself landing in front of a Thanksgiving feast in November.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

WOOHOO, Doctor Who landing in a turkey nursery! 🤣🤣🤣
I will love that one!!

Super cool! I have not seen the show, I will try to find it on Netflix.

I think you did fantastic job!

Wow, love Dr Who, been a big fan since Tom Baker! I agree that some weeping angels would be awesome, just don't blink!

Thank you Sunnylady! The second photo I posted is a little better I think, because that was after I went in and added highlights and cast shadows to the gravestones. I think there are still some episodes on Netflix, so you should check them out for sure! The new doctor is a female, and I love her!!

Nivek, Baker is my favorite doctor! Have you heard the story around how his scarf ended up so long?

No, prey tell!

Nievk, so when they were creating the costume for the fourth doctor, they went and bought a skein of each color that is in the scarf, and took it to a lady and asked her to make a scarf using those colors. Well... she did.. and she used the ENTIRE skein of each color (producing the abnormally long scarf). Well, the costume designers decided to roll with it. Hence the iconic fourth doctor scarf. I've got a recreation (full length). It doesn't really get cold enough where I live to wear it, but when I travel to colder regions I always bring it. It is really interesting some of the looks I get. It's always nice to run across a Whovian to nerd out with a bit when they recognize it!

Brilliant, I bet it's a great conversation piece!

Hi mate not sure how to reply . I did the picture

Love the Tardis one . Like the sky have a go at spray you will be able to do it have you seen the techniqua I will send you a Timelapse one

I’ve watched a few videos of spray paint ones, and watched the street artists in person a few times. I’m always so amazed by how they come out. Perhaps I’ll have to give spray painting a go in the near future.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

You're in the evnt Heather, so great! You got my vote!!

Thanks Voy! I saw Felix had added me. I owe him one for making an exception for me!

love the Tardis.

Thank you Jayne, I still haven't gone back and painted it, lol. I've been too busy with other stuff. And My friends who have seen it all have different opinions on what I should do. Some think I should leave it just like it is, and make it a "ghost tardis". Others think it should match the colors already on the canvas. I am of the mind of "go with tardis blue, but maybe make it a little darker to account for the night time" So that's part of the other reason I haven't gone back to it. I can't make up my mind, lol.

Yes I agree . Leave it has it is .i have in the past messed up some paintings I think you can try to put to Mitch detail in sometime . It's great the way it is .

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