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Original Creation

Bright Autumn

TitiaD 07 Dec 2023

"Bright Autumn"
November 27, 2023
Oil on canvas

A small knife-only painting based on a photograph I found on the internet.
I first painted the canvas with an orange acrylic + white gesso mixture. It does show through here and there.

The yellows look more orange in the photograph, but they are mostly pure Cadmium Yellow, with a bit of white to make it lighter and/or Cobalt Blue for a bit of a greenish tone.



Incredible work Titia! I love it!

Pietro1963 Master of Monsters

Gorgeous luvs it!

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

So gorgeous! Just love the colors!

Very nice composition and beautiful painting!


Wonderful colours and effects.

Guten Morgen, Titia . Masterpiece! 👍🏼🇩🇪top level

Thank you so much everyone. <3

This is near perfect! Great painting very beautiful.

Fantastic painting and super colors, only with the knife, unbelievable!

Dang this is killer! I can barely shade a rock.

Thank you rtparsjr and Cosmo. <3

Thank you joha59. <3
I'm starting to like the knife more and more.
I like the rough look it can give, but you can also make something look very smooth.
I'll be making more of these for sure. :)
(Just a shame you need a ton more paint with these! LOL)

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Superb my friend! The richness of the colors, the reflections... sublime. I can almost smell the scent of autumn.

dracula Power Painter

Wonderful! Great texture! Nice work!

Very very nice work. Powerful painting!


Just spectacular!

nailed it ...

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