Are you ready to take the boat and enjoy sunset with your loved one?
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Huge thanks to Voy Kay and Doggymommee for their support and for giving me inspiration!
This one was a challenge. Every aspect of it. The photo was my inspiration but I realized I cannot copy it. So I decided to adjust few things and ended with absolutely different from the photo thing. Check my struggle process in the photos attached. It was a first time I did oil color study sketch than 3-4 pencil sketches than I figured my boats are not in the perspective. I used digital to alter my composition and figure out what I like and at the end I changed second boat to an old pier.
Oil on canvas 45 by 60 cm (17.7inches by 23.6 inches).
Feel free to give the constructive feedback.
Thank you Hado! I am happy you love it!
Beautiful, that sky and those distant trees are stunning and I love the little boat!
Beautiful and romantic.
Thank you Nivek!
Mrs C - thanks a lot!
I love it when you upload not only a painting but pictures from all the studies you did to arrive at the finished work. Thank you!
Wow. I love it that there is so much green in your painting (much more than in the photo). Love the light in the sky and that all your trees are individuals, even though this type of trees has a tendency to blend together into a green mass. Love the tall grass and the leafless tree. Beautiful painting. Even your studies look great.
Beautiful work. Your highlights are fantastic!
Yay Sunnylady! This really turned out great! I’m glad you were able to get it in on time for the event submission. You saw my disaster, lol! The dock turned out great.
Gorgeous! I love the colors in the sunset, and the grass and trees look amazing! Much prettier than the reference photo imho
I love the edits you made! The shrubbery/weeds in the real life photo look a bit chaotic and the cattails were a great replacement. Love the dock, LOVE the sunset and the reflection over the water. Love love love!
@Felix - thanks a lot! I was pushing it to finish and early morning yesterday I was sure I will not get it done on time. Doggymommee gave me the final inspiration to finish and I did it! Unfortunately my painting falls in the category of photo-Non- realism. That was a challenge but I am glad I finished. It took 3 weeks.
@Umagaan - thank you a lot! Greens were truest challenge. I had premixed 4 different shades to make foreground. It was not enough. When I made green forest it was too green and I glazed it with orange (Indian yellow and alizarin) to tone it down to the brown shades. Funny fact the eye sees something but the brain keeps insisting it is green and only after I used pippete tool in paint I could see the true color.
@Umagaan - but even though when I figured color I could not push myself to use it.
@ForestVueGallery - thanks a lot. Highlights were done liner brush, or synthetic flat some smudged with finger some with pallet knife.
@doggymommee - thanks a lot for your kind support and motivation! After painting together for 4 hours I still was not exhausted and your kind words of support helped me to finish it!
I’m so glad I was able to support you to finish it! It is a gem painting and deserved to be finished! You’re a machine Sunnylady! I could barely even get my brushes clean last night before I staggered off to bed lol!
@causticdame - thank you for you kind words! They are very motivating!
@Lilikins - I am incredibly happy you love it! You are very right I identified those bushes as trouble maker to me as I would not be able to resolve it in painting. That is why cattails 🙂. Thanks a lot for your heartwarming feedback!
@doggymommee - ahaha. Well I was surprised I finished. But I was more surprised I managed to do both paintings with same 4 brushes. It was easy clean up :) only pallet had to be scraped badly as I was a lazy person last week and paint sticker very well.
I particularly like the way you've made the light sweep right across the scene. It's made it look really tranquil.
@TheLandscapePainter - thank you very much! I was very conscious about lighting. I am happy it translates the tranquility! I see couple of mistakes. I will fix when it dries.
I love the sunsetting sky. And those cattails are amazing. I agree with Felix i really like how you add your planning photos. I would really like to see a 2nd version of this in the fall season like the photo too..
Thanks @LJM, in fact this is still a try before commission this to a friend. I want to make it the best way I can. One more version to follow. May be I will manage to incorporate colors from the photo.
Thank you Tom! Thanks for your vote! I am very happy this painting got a lot of attention already. I believe my struggles produced decent painting and that I learned a lot from it. It certainly was a challenge of my skills and self exam. 😉
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Wow!! How beautyful is this. Those trees and that lovely boat. I love it!