This wonderful seascape I fall in love with as soon I saw the master-class on you tube.
My version got more honey in it. It looks absolutely fantastic at day light and even at artificial light. The trick is I did sky and sea while it was still day light and then when it got dark i used it as reference to settle the rest of my colors.
This is 50 by 70 cm. I loved this size of canvas. It does not have a million of details, so it was easier than the ninth wave after Ajvazovsky (which is glazing technique).
It took me 9 hours, in first day and 30 min today. Lunch, little breaks and brush cleanup included.
Challenge was the sky and blending as I was worried about my brushes and decided to experiment with medium. It was a mistake, but I learnt quite a lot from it.
Thanks to my Dad who hand-made the table-top easel for me. That brought so much easiness compare to painting on the table surface.
I attached some extra pictures as well in case someone will be interested in materials used and brushes. This time no BR brushes as I wanted to save them for the better applications without resin.
This is the link to the free lesson:
@TheLandscapePainter: Thank you very much! I just fall in love with this ship and sea... it really warmed my heart in this crazy times...
Wow!! This looks so pretty!! I love the colours in this one, it makes me feel warm, I can feel the colours ☺️ Everything about it, the water, the sky, the boat, it’s amazing!
You know, my sweet friend, I have an English dictionary that is 2,3 inches thick .... and it does not even contain enough superlatives to applaud and describe your new baby!
This is beyond WAW! These are amongst the best and most beautiful 9 artistic hours you have spent in quite a while.
The way you composed it all, the colour choices, the harmony of light and dark accents, that ship, the softness, that lazy air created .... this is Top gun for artists!
I'm ending this comment, I don't wanna spend my time with writing, I wanna be watching! Enjoying! Applauding! Sighing! Smiling! Gasping for air! Swallowing that paintings energy and beauty inside me!
WAW! ! ! ! etc ....
Wow! This is so beautiful! It seriously takes my breath away. I wish I could buy it (can I buy it? 🤪) I love everything about it and I actually prefer it to the original. The color choices are vibrant and breathtaking. The sky is magnificent but the boat is particularly impressive. The shading and detailing is wonderful and I love how the more I look at it the more lovely details I notice like the reflections of the sails on the water. Really amazing work!
@Tom0779: Thank you for a wonderful feedback. I am very honored about the positive comment about the perspective. I must tell that I kept correcting for a while to get feeling of the boat on the water and that technique of scratching with the other end of the brush worked perfectly for me as the wrong lines could be blended out easily.
I am so happy to hear you liked my interpretation of Ajvazovsky, I think you are right that one was a very technically challenging painting and all others are way simpler. You have a sharp eye. I love that big wave too and now I love this one as well. This is first ship made with paints. I did 3 for fun in pencil 3-4 months ago. I'll keep learning. I think I'll try couple of more paintings with this guy, but I think to read a bit of theory as I never saw a ship with sails.
@ESCM - thank you very much! I am so happy to hear that you can feel the warmth of honey colors!
@Voy Kay: thank you my dear friend! You touched my heart with your comment! I think you also fall in love with it, like I did. :) Please do enjoy, I just wish I could show it in real.
This is gorgeous. You did a fantastic job!
One day in the future dear Sunnylady, we might meet in real! It is a small world, but it is bigger since it has you in it!
@Lilikins: thank you very much! I am very happy that you loved it too! I thought that color choices of going into oranges will work better and it added a challenge a bit of changing the atmosphere. But I am glad I did it.
Regarding selling - I never thought of it, especially shipping outside of Russia where I am now. I do not think I would be able to take paintings with me if I return to USA. I just hope to continue painting there and I hope within the country shipping should be easy. I guess DHL from Russia will be extremely expensive. Thus let's wait till Corona will be over. Stay safe.
The colors and detail are amazing in this beautiful and peaceful scene. The glow is incredible!
@sunnylady I didn’t realize you lived in Russia! I wonder how many countries are represented on this site. I love how painting has brought together a world wide community. Keep me in mind once things return to “normal”. You stay safe too :)
Breathtaking!!.......Three words FRAME AND HANG
Absolutely fantastic! I don't think any other painting has had as many comments in such a short time as this one. Every single one speaks for your excellence!
@ForestVueGallery, @ tel - thank you folks! Your words and support mean a lot to me!
@Felix thank you! I am so happy this painting is a success!
The shine is created through creating dark value around sun. Also it is very important to note that sun is yellow with a touch of umber. The circle of white is added with finger and even though it is still mixed with underlying yellow.
Titanium white is not the light. If you want to show something lit by sunlight use pure color of the object, rather than white. As example from D. Roza : when brick is lit by sun it is not white, it is orange or red or brown. This thought gives a lot of power in showing light.
Also Bill was saying the same, you need dark to show light.
Happy painting!
Sunnylady, thank you for the insight into the color. Definitely something for me to ponder. I took a brief look at the YouTube video and wish I knew the language as it looks like wonderful instruction. Obviously so with your splendid results!
OMG, this is stunning. Absolutely brilliant work. There isn't one thing about this that i would change. Absolutely stunning. Congratulations and I hope you find a perfect place to hang this. Very well done
@lauriev2782 - thanks a lot!
@MHK - I am super happy you like it! I ran out of the walls at home... I guess I need to replace older paintings with newer and more successful ones now.
I suspect a painting like this is why most of us started painting in the first place. BTW, if you have no more wall space I can find some room ;-)
Spectacular! The soft light on the water and side of the ship is really effective. Your recent work is very inspiring and makes me think I will look into some of these online masterclasses. Truly beautiful!
I am also curious about your custom table easel. From the little I can see in the picture, it looks very sturdy.
I'm almost speechless seeing this! You have captured my very soul in this one. It is superb. I thank you for sharing this treasure. BEAUTIFUL!!
@Tom thanks a lot. I think the big wave does not have a proper photo. It is very curious it did not get much attention, but I am not upset about it. I was happy to try technique to get that result and I hope I will get next week to see original in the museum. I am sure it will be new experience and I will see it with new eyes!
@Dracula: check this link, I populated all the color that artist uses. They do not change from painting to painting.
Regarding easel: I will add the photo later.
@Froggie - thank you for your support and cheers! I am happy that this painting attracts so much attention, which means I grow but what's important too I enjoy painting process more now than in very beginning.
@Dracula. Photo is attached. Please see the link with the one we used as idea to build our own.
There is so much that I want to say... but I am speechless. This is simply amazing, and I stared at it for quite a while drinking in all of the details. What a wonderful job!
@doggymommee8301: wow, it is incredible to hear that I left people speechless about this painting, I hope it went straight to your heart to be loved and enjoyed every time you see it.
I think this is highest compliment when painting wakes up emotions that words are not enoug.
Thank you very much! I truly appreciate every word and everything behind them!
This is stunning! The glow on the clouds, the colors blended so beautifully, and that boat is magnificent! Wowza! 💛
@BrookeBowling: thank you very much! I am happy to hear your cheers and I am honored to get so many positive words about this painting.
Very beautiful painting
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Blimey Sunny, you've excelled yourself with this one! It's lovely.