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Original Creation

Paradise Sands - MJS Tutorial

Stick_People 15 Dec 2023

A little warmth on a cold winter day. Lesson is on a 12" x 12" panel but I wanted to go big on this one, so I put it on a 36" x 36" canvas. About half way through I thought what was I thinking? After completing I think it was worth the effort. Added a picture of it hanging in my office to get some perspective. I have a little fan club at work so I bring my latest painting for a β€œviewing” for a couple of weeks. 😎




Great πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

This is fantastic - I'll bet it looks amazing on that large size canvas!

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Super job. I love it. πŸ‘

Absolutely superb painting Roy, especially on such a large canvas. So well painted. It will look great up on your wall. Definitely worth posting on MJS Students. I look forward to seeing your next MJS painting. Cheers

Looking great. <3
36" x 36" is quite large for such a detailed painting. I bet it looks great in real life.

Very beautiful!

Beautiful. Fabulous detail.

Wow! Your greens are so lovely! Such a tropical feel!

Thank you Bob, Dirk, Pam, Matt, Dave, Titia, Jin, Tomi, and Sunny for the comments and support. It means a lot to me coming from such talented artists!!! πŸ˜” Best to all.

Dave, I haven’t gotten around to post it on MJS Students Facebook yet but thanks for the kind words and encouragement. They are a nice group and very supportive (some amazing artists too).

Great place to sip a mai tai!

wow, awesome detail

Thanks Cosmo and Jeff, much appreciated!

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