Just thought I’d have a go on a bigger scale the Black Pearl from Pirates of Caribbean.just useing my paint spray up getting ready for my oil paint to arrive
Wow Steve! This is a really excellent one! Nice job! I love that skull and ship.
Thanks Took me about 40 mins this one a bit more Complex. Voy Kay will do you one no charge .
If you are serious, we can exchange something! How do we get in touch?
This is Fantastic Steve and Voy! For many years I’ve avoided any type of social media, and I’m so glad I’ve found such a wonderful Diamond in the rough.
Diamonds are forever!
stevehall34@ yahoo.co.uk
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WAW!!! This is an EXCELLENT idea Steve!!
How on earth did you get that skull in there??!
SUPER, accompanied with that boat the mountains !! I am in line for buying this one!!