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Original Creation

Nebula 3: my last one for learning

Cwgeorge 05 Nov 2024

My third learning nebula. I think the clouds are better as are the colors. Maybe too many stars. But still very fun to do. Black canvas, liquid clear, Indian yellow, alizarin crimson, phthalo blue, dioxizine purple, titanium white and linseed oil.

Oils Markers


Very nice 👍🏼🇩🇪

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Looks great!

Very pretty.

LadyGalaga Shadowlink11

so pretty!

Gorgeous colours and well formed, I've spent a lot of time looking at nebula pictures and I realised that you have to make it appear that your stars are in layers to make sense of distance, otherwise they all lay on the top in the foreground. I think placing most of the stars in dark back areas in clusters and just a few over the top goes a long way towards achieving a desirable effect. Let your imagination run wild😍

I agree the stars should be in layers. I just haven’t figured out how to do it yet. The blending of the clouds would smear any put on first. Maybe I can put some stars in with thinned white gesso before I put the liquid clear on

Cool. Looks good

I've done a couple, I wish I could show you but I don't have them anymore. Yes you are right they would smudge during layering. The trick is to make it appear you have painted in layers when you haven't, by thinking in layers 1. Black, 2. Clouds, 3. Foreground stars on top of clouds. You can use dark, spacing, placement and star size to your advantage. I found it works well if you begin with a cluster of your tiniest stars in your darkest areas only, those stars go back into the painting but don't allow these clusters anywhere near your clouds otherwise they get pulled forward because your clouds are your middle layer so you need dark space between. Leave some of your dark areas between your clouds blank otherwise your foreground stars become confused with distant stars and they pull them all forward. Its just something I discovered myself and I hope it helps. Your clouds are really good, love that bit of crimson at the bottom.

Thanks for the tips. I’ll give it a try next time

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