@Colin Hudson#1269 That makes two of us. 88
Photorealism - Event Discussion
FatGandalf I am sure Felix will be along soon to welcome you to his site. In the meantime, yes you are free to join in with us and share our journey. Happy painting!
FatGandalf they are open to all! Don’t be afraid of being a newbie - everyone is at some point. Gotta start somewhere! Besides, your work is never as bad as you think - artists are always their own harshest critic.
FatGandalf Welcome to TwoInchBrush!
These events - and furthermore everything on this website - is open and welcoming to everyone! Doesn't matter if you've been painting professionally for 50 years or you're just drawing something with Paint on your computer. The only important thing is that you're having fun!
Judging from your message it seems like you have a great growth-mindset and will fit right in
One thing I would recommend is starting with the Bob Ross special episode "The Grandeur of Summer". It takes longer than a normal episode and Bob explains every step in much greater detail than during his normal episodes. You can find more info on how to start out here: https://www.twoinchbrush.com/getting-started
I'm looking forward to seeing your first painting. Let us know how it goes!
@Felix it might be only me, but it seems like the voting buttons aren't working? I tried both on the submission page, and then clicking on the paintings themselves, and it is not registering as "voted" like it has in prior events. I tried a couple of paintings.
doggymommee8301 not just you. I tried it just now and it didn’t work for me.
doggymommee8301 And I was wondering why nobody is voting
Thanks for noticing! Should be fixed now
I’m still pretty nee and had been struggling a lot with brush cleaning, I have just got this sorted pretty much, and spotted this, found a lovely reference photos by a work colleague who was very old be used, so I gave it a go, I struggled, and with no guidance on colours or tutorial I found this very challenging, but I have produced something, that I’m actually pretty pleased with. Makes a change, right, anyway oddly the oils dried up a bit too fast and I struggled with that too, but I feel like I have some great parts to it. I was terribly nervous painting from someone else’s photo, that was a strange feeling, but I’m really pleased with my interpretation of the photos, and no it’s doesn’t really look like the photo, but as Felix said, just to paint from a photo, not that it needs to be realistic, and I’m glad I tried it anyway. As always, I’d love any feedback on it, good or bad, any suggestions or ways to improve, the only way to learn right!
Tel, you should have a go, I have, and I was like in the dark without the BR training wheels, it’s hard to make colour choices in your own, but honestly, I have no regrets trying this community event.
I love Toms idea to paint another’s art work, I love the idea doing something in BR style that’s not one of his, imagine, Goya or Escher in BR style, how that would look.
what I like about this current event is that the photo could be anything and what you create is your version of it, however that is whatever that looks like. Very flexible, and very enjoyable!
I just realized I don’t have until midnight EST only 2 hours to go and doubt I can make it. Any leniency with this?
ForestVueGallery sure, just upload it and tell me link, I'll add it to the event
Felix Thank you!
Felix Please link my Sedona View to the event if it isn’t too late. Thanks
ForestVueGallery Looks like you made it in time
Be nice to see how many votes we all get, I’ll be happy with even one I think.
the standard or art in this event is incredible, so many amazing painters so much experience and lots of diversity too.
@Mrs C#1408 You definitely got more than one, that I can tell
I agree, some fantastic submission in this one! Anyone got an idea for the next event?
Felix What about a "mystical" event? Paint something that isn't real, like a dragon, or unicorn, aliens, zombies, there's lots of possibility there.
Once I drew hedgehog and it turned to be a creature from the other universe I am up for that kind of challenge. I want to paint a dragon but never tried.
As for the ideas:
1)Lets paint something upside down. It could be a photo, screenshot of Bob's episode. But reference and painting should be oriented upside down when in process of painting. This will be liberating experience and the result will be processed by brain differently.
2)or lets do self portrait from looking in the mirror while painting. Imagine that is a great adventure for the landscape painters.
Felix one more idea - To follow Bob Ross on mute and episode that has not been yet watched before at all. Thanks to Youtube that allows to track what has and what has not been watched. It would be allowed to pause the video as many times as needed but without any sound.
One more idea: using Zorn pallet of just 4 colors to paint something. Landscape, still life, portrait. This will improve skill of color mixing and color interactions in the painting.
Congrats to @Boof , @parksd02 and @Lilikins for the top 3 submissions!
Boof's "Xena Warrior Kitty": https://www.twoinchbrush.com/originals/Boof/xena-warrior-kitty-1
parksd02's "Evergreens and Lavender at Dawn": https://www.twoinchbrush.com/originals/parksd02/evergreens-and-lavender-at-dawn
Lilikins' "Grapes of Wrath": https://www.twoinchbrush.com/originals/Lilikins/still-life-fruit (Congrats to the second top submission)
The quality of submissions was very high for this event, and we've seen some painters really push their boundaries. Well done everybody!