@Voy Kay#973 , it was more so you can search and maybe exclude ovals or exclude pre prepared canvases or black canvases, or like look for all that are on a black canvas for example.

@Mrs C#975 I'll add something like this to the color search

6 days later

doggymommee8301 Bob Ross paintings are now commentable.

I have chosen to not alert members when another person has commented on a BR painting that they have commented in the past, as I think this would create too many notifications.

2 months later

Felix I have a challenge suggestion. I have seen lots of folks posting paintings of waterfalls lately. And I have been wanting to try one. When I searched keyword waterfall, I saw there are actually quite a few Bob did. What if you had a "paint all the paintings with waterfalls" challenge?

    doggymommee8301 Great suggestion, thanks!
    Once I can get myself to spend more than two hours coding for twoinchbrush I'll add a tagging system to the BR-paintings that will let me create challenges like this one super fast.
    I'll need some help from the community in tagging all the pics though!

    4 months later

    Felix Hey, just going through the Community articles, and realised there should be a "Report" feature, so you can be alerted to remove spam articles. There's one there now that was uploaded today.

    Thanks for the heads up! I've banned the user and removed the article.

    Seems like an overhaul for the whole report system is needed here...

    19 days later
    • [deleted]

    @Felix: I have a few suggestions on new features. I have to mention that I neither have the technical insight if you can realize them and/or how time costly a realization would be nor if those suggestions have already been posted by someone else.

    1. In case someone refers to an other painter in his painting, e.g. @Tom0779, it would be great if the painter gets a notification about this
    2. I think I mentioned it several times and others too that it would be great that you can change the main upload picture of your painting. Yet if you are unhappy with it (happens often when you upload it from a mobile phone) and/or you did some additional details/corrections you can only delete the whole upload and do it again. Here you might loose a lot of valuable input already done by others.
    3. It would be great if you can upload additional pictures for Bob Ross recreations as well. E.g. sometimes I would share a picture of a framed painting also. Or you could show some pictures of the different stages, etc..

    These are my suggestions.

    Another useful feature is to be able to go back to the same place if, for example, you open one of the blurred images or look at comments on a picture. I always get sent back to the very start of the Main SIte.



      1. Good idea, I'll check how much work it would be to add detection of username mentions.
      2. Same
      3. Should not be too much work, as it would work the same way as with the originals

      @Colin Hudson#1837
      I can change it so that clicking on an item on the newsfeed opens the painting in a new tab, so the position you scrolled to does not get lost. Would that help?
      To unblurr the paintings on the feed you can tap the little red "NSFW" on the bottom right without visiting the details page.

      Tom0779 You can now upload additional pictures to Bob Ross paintings.

        • [deleted]

        Felix: One further idea came to my mind. It would be great if you can follow a specific painter, so you are always informed when this painter uploads a new painting, etc..


          In biology there is a phenomenon that a lot of different animals evolve into crabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinisation

          It feels a little bit like we are going the same way, only evolving into facebook/instagram 😃

          Good idea, and doesn't seem like too much work. I'll think about how to best implement something like that.

            • [deleted]

            Felix Yes, I know and there are other suggestions in a similar way. But the more the community grows the bigger the chance you loose the overview. I think this can help you... But of course it is no must... I am just brainstorming about it.

            10 days later

            Hi Felix, how about for a bit of fun we have an event whereby we challenge each other by actually nominating another artist and setting that person a painting task. Nothing as simple as "paint a landscape" or "paint a seascape" but something more specific... IE paint James bond or maybe paint a still from star wars etc. I think this would be something a little different and should be a lot of fun in the process, of course one nomination per artist so some way of monitoring this would be needed 😀

            tel great idea, that sounds super fun!

            We could start a test run with this here on the forum. I would just start a new thread and nominate someone (you of course 😁) and once you've uploaded the painting you would comment here and nominate the next one.
            What do you say?

              I love it, anybody else like this concept??

                Maybe to move things along it might be an idea if the nominee was to nominate another artist straight away to avoid the inevitable long periods between submissions. Of course for this to work it would require i would imagine at least 8-10 artists who are happy to paint what is basically an unpaid commission, maybe a vote for best commission at the end ?