New Features On
Felix I mostly care about favoriting Bob Ross paintings, like a "wish list"
@Felix hey Felix! I have another idea about capabilities in the challenges section. I think it would be neat to be able to click on each challenge and get statistics like who has completed the challenge, and how close we are to completing a challenge (obviously that would only work on challenges that require completing more than one painting). I'm kind of statistics nerd if you couldn't tell
doggymommee8301 I'll definitely look into this when I update the challenge page, great idea
@Felix Hi Felix! Question for you: is there a way to search for members on this site? I know that if they post a painting or leave a comment on a painting you can click their name and be taken to their page, but is there another way to do it? I'm asking because I am constantly talking about all the amazing artwork on here and when I want to show some of my friends what I am talking about, I sometimes have to do quite a bit of scrolling around into older posted paintings to find the user/painting I am looking for.
doggymommee8301 at the moment you can only go to their profile directly or type in the URL if you know it. It is always
I'll update the search bar in the next couple weeks after finishing the events and adding some more challenges.
Thanks for you input!
I've just added a handful of new challenges. Thanks to everyone who suggested some!
If anyone is good with Illustrator or Inkscape or another way to create icons and like to help in creating badges for the challenges it would be much appreciated!
I've added a new social widget to the website, powered by the ad partner I'm working with.
You'll notice a new option to share content on social media on the bottom right:
The popup menu also features a search method. You can use this to find users or paintings until I can get around to build a better native search for the website:
There's still some setup to be done, so don't be shocked when the images or subtexts for the search results isn't working 100%
Hi Felix! New thought: what if there was an option to comment on the original BR painting? The intent here would be for folks who have recreated it to leave advice for other users. “This is what I experienced and learned when I was painting this one” so and so type thing. To get to these comments you’d have to click on the original from Bob.
doggymommee8301 Sounds good and shouldn't take a lot of work. I'll add a difficulty rating too.
That’s a great idea too Felix!!
Are those commercial adds/blog links between paintings intended?
I found them incredibly annoying!
Am I the only one?
Two small updates:
- Search results now include original paintings and community members
- When searching Bob Ross paintings by color you can now set an option that the results must contain all selected colors (thanks @Voy Kay for the idea!)
Is is possible to have something that allows a filter for canvas type, like black, white, oval, pre prepared with gesso when browsing BRs works?
I am generally ready to go, then find a painting I like think, yep I’ll do that, then discover I don’t have a black canvas or gesso painted canvas.
@Mrs C#969 Most of the time these paintings have "Black Gesso" listed as a used color.
I'll add something to filter for them in the next few days.
@Mrs C#969 In fact, just type 'OVAL' in the search bar and you will find them!
'Black gesso' can be found with the 'search by colors' mode.
@Voy Kay#973 , it was more so you can search and maybe exclude ovals or exclude pre prepared canvases or black canvases, or like look for all that are on a black canvas for example.
@Mrs C#975 I'll add something like this to the color search
doggymommee8301 Bob Ross paintings are now commentable.
I have chosen to not alert members when another person has commented on a BR painting that they have commented in the past, as I think this would create too many notifications.