This creation was just practice since it is intended to be my exhibition work for next sunday, July the 4th.
The exhibition will be part of a walking tour in my small community (four streets and 360 souls). We have a festive weekend foreseen 2-4 July and some neighbours, like myself, were asked to perform our hobby outdoors for everybody passing to view during two hours. In that time, I will not only exhibit 20-30 paintings in my front yard but also paint/demonstrate one myself (Island in the wilderness) AND even allowing some spectators in to give it a try themselves on the canvas. We hope for a day WITHOUT rain!
Canvas used was a budget canvasboard 12"x16". The result is closer to a fiasco then a success yet again, this was practice and merely meant to learn about the flow, paint quantity and brush selection of this creation.
Indeed Felix, it has been prepared full Coronaproof and therefor has the blessing of city hall and police forces. We suffered for way too long already and it will be a relief for most neighbours to get together again for this annual festivity, but still with Corona protection measures of course!
Myself, I will be painting with a mouthmask. Visitors will be allowed to walk in my front yard with the paint exhibits.
This painting, that I will do on a 16"x20" on Sunday, will be open for everybody that likes to try something (tree, water, bushes ...).
On of my creations is also donated to the community raflle. Now I just hope I will not win it!!!
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Sounds like a fantastic thing! I'm glad that your community is able to get back together again. That little festival sounds like a fantastic way to welcome back a little bit of normality