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Mountain Mirage Wood Shape

dracula 26 Jun 2021

I'm not as fond, generally, of Bob Ross's "novelty" paintings and definitely wasn't looking forward to this one. I do not have a band saw and had to use a hand saw and coping saw to make the panel. It all worked out okay and I'm reminded that I prefer working on panel rather than stretched canvas. In the end, this was a fun painting. I should know better than to doubt Bob, lol!



Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Well done!

A wonderful piece Dracula! Very natural trees and colors! This hard work to saw the shape of the tree - it is impressive. Surely preparing this panel was quite a challenge as well!

Wow!! You cut it out?! That's a fabulous piece of art!! Nice job on cutting out the foreground tree. I bet that was the hardest part.

dracula Power Painter

Thanks everyone! I appreciate your encouraging words! Yes, cutting out the panel was probably the hardest part, especially using hand tools. If I had a band saw, it would have taken 5 minutes. @Tom0779. I think the panel took about 45 minutes to cut and then three rounds of white gesso to make sure I had a good surface to work on. The painting itself took around 3 hours, maybe a little less.

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