Here's my version of Sunset Aglow. Took me about 3 hours. Need to keep working on my trees.
Stunning sky! It's worth all the time you spent on it!
Wow! Eye-catching.
Thank you all so much for the positive feedback! I absolutely love learning from Bob! I stream the video on the TUBI channel while recording it in 3-4 minute increments on my iphone. I then play each segment while painting so that I can pause between recordings. I don't have a TV in the art room so doing it this way works for me. I've been at it since mid-Feb and have done about 20 paintings total. I guess some might say I'm obsessed. ;-)
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Nice. I spied your collection of paintings, and they all look nice. The reflections in the water (especially in a couple of your other works) really caught my eye.