Used the cloud tool to paint the sky (idk seems a bit cheaty). Mountain's texture was hard to get right, but I settled on using a chalky brush. Changed the bottom middle foreground to sand, not sure about perspective or the lighting on the bushes/trees though.
How can I make the trees across the lake seem farther away, and the mountain look bigger?
The cloud tool is a special brush that paints clouds for you, and the chalky brush is a brush that imitates the texture of chalk (the is digital after all). Also, thank you for the tips!
Thanks a lot!
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May I ask two questions: what is cloud tool? What is chalky brush?
The mountain is awesome! Fantastic job with its shadows, highlights and value. The distant water line with the trees creates impression that it is far and improve that feeling perspective is the key.
There are two different perspectives: aerial and linear.
If landscape does not have a building in it only one-point linear perspective and aerial perspective need to be applied. With building - two-point and aerial.
Main purpose of the perspective is to link objects in the composition.
May be just take a pencil and do few sketches on the paper just to learn how linear perspective works and what approximate height of the trees need to be painted depending on the closeness to the horizon line.
Aerial perspective makes things lighter and “grayer”.