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Oval Barn

Mrs C 28 Dec 2020

Based on the oval barn on an 8 x 12 inch canvas in oils using wet in wet technique.
The barn was hard to do, I really struggle with the pallet knife work, and really hadn’t considered how small the barn was compared to the knife.
Also took a Pretty long time to do something this small. Pleased with how the water came out but the left seems a little bare to me. Happy with the trees and fence on the right though.
Pallet knife and barn tips always welcome!
(This is my 6th BR painting over all)



Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Sunnylady has great advice on how to paint barns. I will send her a message and will ask for her advice to you.

Normally there are two sides on a knife (depending on the model) wich is a smaller and a wider one. Switch between those side depending on what is needed. Make sure you hold the knife relatively flat iso straight, so it will slide better and thus give you more control.
No worries, practice will pay off!!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

So, just had a word back from Sunnylady and she came up with the following tutorial video that you can gave a look at.
Good luck!!

I think your pallet knife work on the barn is fine. However, you can improve your buildings by googling perspective drawing. You don't necessarily need to draw guide lines, but having an idea of how they are arranged will enhance them.

@Mrs C, @Voy, Barns are difficult indeed as they need to follow the idea of two-point perspective. Voy, thanks for getting that link! this is most easy one I consider for people new at drawing.
@Mrs C - to understand the idea you just need to draw 5-10 on the piece of paper following the rules and using the ruler. A bit annoying to do but at the end you get a very useful skill. I agree with Voy to use smaller part of the knife for the smaller objects, but you also can get a brush and do it with brush and apply snow or roof only with the knife. I used cutout from the discount card for few months as I did not have a knife. It worked okay-ish.
After you train it on the paper - may be you try to do a big barn that would take almost whole canvas as final exam for yourself.

Your barns here looks great in terms of how color and snow applied and this is such a tiny one for BR knife and it looks like barn. So no worries. Your barns will improve with practice.

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