Had it not been for the cabin, this would have been my Bob Ross speed record. I still struggle with the cabins. I wonder if @Tom0779 would be willing and interested in writing an article on cabin construction. I know I would benefit from his expertise.
So beautifully done. Love the golden pines, the highlights on the tree and the realistic color of the water. Something I hope to conquer one day.
Dracula, I would check into water marking your photos going forward, they’re that good and protect your work. Like Dr. McConnell does on his. As always thanks for sharing!
Incredible! Nivek said it very well Dracula!
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Wow, this is fabulous, I love everything about it, the mountains grab you and draw you in, the evergreens look so realistic I can almost smell the pine freshness, the sunlight capturing those distant pines bring warmth and that cabin looks like somewhere I'd run away too to escape the world. This really was a five star effort ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐