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Cabin Hideaway

jkarnowski 30 Nov 2019

Had some fun painting with Bob Ross!

Lessons learned today:
- I don't think I really have good fan brushes and I'm not sure what good ones look/feel like. I need to go buy good ones.
- It's very unclear how to paint lightly and have only a little bit of paint. I should try that on a blank canvas.
- I have no idea how to use a palette knife to properly mix paints on my palette. I need to find someone to show me how to do those motions.
- Mixing paints intuitively to get the right color is hard. Given certain colors, I'm not sure what the right ratios should roughly be. I should practice on a blank canvas.

After this painting, I went and bought some new brushes with real hair bristles. We shall see how it changes things!


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