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Winter at the Farm

kober 03 Dec 2020

My first try with Bob. I have a tendency to over paint so I tried to stay close to his painting time. I am happy with this. I still struggle with depth and proportion. But compared to my others there is much improvement I see in this.



The buildings have good perspective because the point of the roof that is closest to you looks higher than the point that is farther away. I forget what episode Bob mentions that, but that helped me with buildings the most.

Thank you for pointing that out. I didn't notice and that's a good point for keeping in my head when painting. I am not a trained? artist not sure if that's the right word since I don't want to demean anyone's given talents. I'm 61 and started teaching myself to paint last year. I enjoy winging it so to speak and have had a lot of fun doing it. Bob is perfect for me. Thank you again.

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