Decided to try another seascape. I enjoy painting the sky but waves are still a bit intimidating. I used my new Kevin Hill brushes and I seem to get better blending with the 2”. The brushes are more lightweight than my Ross brushes so will be interested to see how they hold up. Gamblin 1980 oils on 18x18 canvas.
Doggiemommee, thanks for the kind comment on the waves.
I decided to try Gamblin 1980 Napthol Red rather than Ross red. At first I thought I’d ruined it as it looked too pink, but after blending in the yellows I was pleasantly surprised. A tiny bit of this red goes a long way.
Sky is amazing! Naphtol red is awesome! Check Atanomy of wave episode. It has very good explanation!
Thank you Sunnylady! I agree about the Napthol Red. This is the second time I’ve used it with happy results. I’ll check out Anatomy, thanks for the tip.
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How did you get the lovely pink in the sky? I think your waves look fantastic.