Painting # 54. I followed along with Diane Andre for this one. I've been trying to follow along with different artists lately. Everyone has their own unique style and it's been fun trying things out in different ways. With Diane's guidance, I decided to try making highlights with the 1 inch brush again. I had been avoiding it for quite some time as I always had difficulty creating highlights with it, often opting for the oval or round brushes instead. I find that, this time around, it seemed to work okay. The trick is really to add a lot of paint. I'm always reticent to add too much paint since it runs out quickly and is expensive. Another trick is, when you're running your 1 inch brush through your paint, there needs to be an "imprint" of your bristles in the paint on your palette once you remove the brush from the paint on the palette. If not, you don't have enough paint on the bristles. If this is done correctly and the paint is the right consistency (has been thinned appropriately), then the lightest touch will make highlights stick. This is also the first time I tried making shadows behind the trees. Overall, a fun painting experience. This took around 2.5 hours from start to finish. 18x24
Those cast shadows in the foreground are very impactful. I also really like the lowlight color choice in the mountains. Nice work!
Thank you both for your feedback. I noticed that the oil paints I have, despite them being the same color on the label (e.g., prussian blue, crimson, etc), look different than what I'm seeing in The Joy of Painting. Individual variations I guess. I have to experiment a bit more on my end to get the effect I'm seeing in the show.
I noticed the same, I guess pigments are slightly different. I noted so many wonderful pinks/purples here from other artists that I cannot reproduce with my colors.
Let me know if you will do comparison, I am very interested.
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Great job Lightsnow!