I put my own spin on it and made my cabin a hobbit house.
Thank you so much! I kind of did it to be silly but really liked the end result.
You should be proud, I bet if Bob still lived and knew about LOTR, he would've absolutele adored it!!!
I would like to think so :)
We hope to see more of you soon, it is refreshing!!
Thank you, again. I appreciate that!
Brilliant idea!
"In a cabin in the woods there lived a hobbit." I love it!
Looks perfect! I would live there in a minute!
This is a wonderful idea! What a lovely cabin!
It reminds me Lord of the ring.
Love It... been searching for my next CoronaCanvas and tomorrow it is supposed to rain. Hope you don’t mind but The Hobbit House just feels right. My 7 yr old grandson says the Cabins are creepy so lets try something different. We build little Hobbit houses on the beach in Maine with driftwood , shells and debris . Thanks for your Twist .😋
Happy Rap, I don't mind at all! In fact, I'm a little flattered. And very happy I could inspire something different (not creepy lol!) I would love to see your version when it's done 😊
This One is for You....
I adore this so much and hope you don’t mind if when I do this painting that I take some inspiration from you and also make a hobbit hole instead of a haunted cabin.
KRead- that makes me happy to hear 😊 I don't mind one bit. Please enjoy and have fun!
OMG, I LOVE this! What a great idea, I half expected Bilbo to pop out and offer me second breakfast.
Wow! Loved your cute cabin! Keep up the good work!
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Hahaha … Oh I so much love this one! GREAT inspiration and execution!! :)