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Snow Fall

LinzeePaints 29 Nov 2024

I still find Bob's painting challenging when using acrylics. I gotta remember to blend while I go because it dries too fast to attempt wet on wet. My mountains turned out darker than I'd like, but I like the snow.



The snow is great!

Good job

I think it looks amazing, nice think paint. There is a tree just left of the water, that looks to have snow drooping off, I love it!

Bob paintings in acrylic are staggeringly difficult, I think you've done really well, and you've created your own style. I did one a while ago, I'll put it up later. Have you tried one-stroke-painting? See my painting Poppy And Daisy Bouquet. It's achieved by double loading the brush, its very smoothe and not your syle but it would be great practice for you, and you might be able to adapt the technique to suit yourself. I'm thinking, water, reflections, highlights.

Very nice texture!

Thanks Landscape Painter - I will definitely try that technique. Right now I'm applying the mixed colour, and then adding white to my dirty brush and blending with that. It works with the sky, lake etc, but gives my paintings a thick texture. It's working for me, but it would be quicker and more efficient to try the one stroke method. I probably wouldn't use up my paints as quickly.

Good luck Linzee.

Love the texturing of your snow!

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