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Hidden Stream

NTZArt 07 May 2023

This one is def more challenging than expected. Specially the stream. I took my time to get the perspective right. I followed the book for the visual and the video for the steps.

My fav part to paint was the rocks on the other side of the stream and the half moon-ish one on the very bottom right.



Very nicely captured the mood, Nancy. The stream looks greatπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΌ

Great job Nancy. I was thinking of doing this one today but chickened out.

I can imagine this one being a challenge. Looks like there are a lot of layers.
But you sure pulled it off! It turned out great.

paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Another beauty! Such great it!

Beautiful work and my fave parts are the rocks in the center and the two small trees behind them. Also the foreground tree. Excellent version N!

Beautiful Nancy, you've smashed the sky, really really nice, the rocks and trees are fabulous, love the way the light catches the far trees but the foreground trees remain darker. Great job 🀩

Very nice

I love how the light seems to dance on the leaves!

Mgiese84 Cleanest Technique In The Game

Nice job Nancy. I too thought this was much more difficult than it appeared. It's all those dang layers on the right side lol.

Looks good overall, well done!

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you Cold and Brittany! 😊

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

I couldn't agree more Matt. I did things in a different order than Bob for the big tree on the right side. I removed the paint with my knife in the shape and size I wanted the tree to be like and then did everything that would be behind. Then I put my colors on the trunk. Bob make the tree and then does the light side of the tree (that is behind) afterwards. I made it a lot easier. But it didn't make that whole side a breeze. Lol!

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you Tom! πŸ˜€

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Beautiful details! Love the light you have playing in the foreground, and such great textures too!

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Thank you very much Pam! πŸ˜ƒ

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