It was time for a scene from my neck of the woods… the swamp. I think Bob has a total of 5:
1) Wetlands • S4E8
2) Marshlands • S6E12
3) Emerald Waters • S13E9
4) Cypress Swamp • S25E8
5) Cypress Creek • S29E7
Is that correct? Am I missing any?
Bob’s first few seasons are just… rough. This one doesn’t fail. Applying thin paint for the dark background and then thick over it for the highlights… 😖 It looks plain & simple muddy. That’s the effect he wanted to give on this one but I didn’t do that. I went with the standard method.
I did better with my sky this time. I used the technique we do in “Royal Majesty”. I really like the effect… a little haze in the sky. We have very hazy skies in the summertime in FL. So I used my fan brush that I twisted & turned to give the hazy effect and I used the filbert for the fluffier clouds.
I am happy with the outcome. Tho, if you see something that would need to be improved… I ALWAYS appreciate & welcome any tips.
Very nice Nancy. I found this method by using the very thin paint for both the darks and highlights quite interesting. Your purple bush is 😍
Thank you Sandy! 😊
Thank you Matt! 😊
How do you like that technique “Thick-on-Thin”? Which painting have you done like that? I was too chicken to try it! Lol!
I think this was the only one I did it on. I did it just on my background trees though. But I think that works here achieve some depth.
Good Morning Beauty, wonderful, yours looks better than the original..there is nothing to criticize, just super beautiful. Good technique, beautiful colors. Mega sky and the clouds are Perfect .Great job😎🇩🇪
Well done Nancy. I especially like that bush in the foreground.
Thank you so much my friend! Hope your weekend will be artistic! What is your next creation?
Thank you Tom! The foreground was my fav part to paint actually. I guess it reflects! 😊
Indian Summer is still on my List ,you know, Winter Woods but sometimes i see a Video and i feel i must do that ,like the last once of Bill . Im still in Progress , Hope you can see it at my Last Skies . Maybe i try my First seascape with a Killer sky . We'll wait and see where the inspiration takes me😎no painting at the Weekend, tommorrow is a matchday so i have no Time . I wish you a magical weekend, my friend 😎
Good one Ninoum!
Hazy sky, the colours of the trees and bushes having similar hues yet different. Makes it all fit together.
Makes me want to go for a walk there. (although a place like that is probably riddled with mosquito's...)
I really like the shape of the water you created, makes it feel really boggy. And of course, you know how we love our spanish moss!
Have fun tomorrow at your match! Looking forward to seeing Indian Summer and your 1st seascape!!! Have a wonderful day my friend!
Thank you so much Titia! I wanted similar colors with just a different tint. I didn’t want to make this painting too colorful since this is a swamp scene. My clouds look much better in person. I think I had too much light when I took my picture last night. I will take another one just of the top portion of my painting and add below the main one to try to show you how great they came out.
Thank you very much Jessie! We sure do love our Spanish moss!!! It’s so southern! 🥰 As far as my water, I remember how “zigzaggy” are swamps. I was happy how I was able to reproduce that! 😀
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Really pretty!