I attempted Crimson Tide back in 2019 but felt like I flubbed it with a cloud that just didn't look right, smack in the middle of the sky. I sat it aside until a just a few weeks ago when I decided it was time to tackle fixing it (note the additional date I added.) The cloud's shape and angle inspired me to place a "steampunk' ship over it, hoping to salvage a painting I otherwise liked.
It isn't exactly like Bob's, but I like it. And I learned 50 ways not to paint a brass ship LOL. Painting an object to resemble brass is not as easy as some instructional videos make it seem, especially when you don't have the object sitting conveniently in front of you and have to use your imagination!
I like how the ship became the star of the painting! Awesome job with it. This curve that is formed from the stone and ship adds dynamic to painting and tries to swing the eye from the painting, but anchor returns the eye back. And circle repeats. Great job!!!
This came out really cool and I would call it happy accident 😁
Thanks Rucify, I agree! I think this is more interesting than would be just one more cloud lol
Thanks Ninoum, really, that cloud had a ship-like shape! Made me feel like a kid again seeing shapes in clouds.
Thanks Sunnylady, I was actually worried a bit that the giant monolith might steal the ship's thunder.
Really nice recovery job! Really cool!
Thank you paintingblondie. Those can be disheartening moments, when you feel like you've made an irrecoverable flub. I was glad I came up with this solution! I think that offputting cloud was actually a blessing waiting to happen. LOL you should have seen the dust on this. I had to dry brush it and take a wet paper towel to it.
A Captain Picard said "There is a way out of every box, a solution to every puzzle; it's just a matter of finding it." and you found a brilliant one, love this painting, the sky,the sea and the ship balance perfectly to create a magical piece. Great job 🖖
That's a fantastic Picard quote. Wish I could see the new series. Live long and prosper,Nivek, and thank you for the kind words!
I'm considering using this one for a story I'm finishing up about ancient Atlantis at the recommendation of a friend. My story features Atlantean fliers. I mocked up the attached idea for the cover, and I think it would pop for a cover with the colors.
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Soooo creative Chris! Well done!