2/19/23 - Country Life (s6e10), aka The Struggle Is Real!!
And oh my, struggle is the right word for this one. I swear, I must have tweaked/changed the big barn 50 times before I had the angles looking even decent. Looking at the other versions painted by the group, It looks like I was not alone in this particular struggle. I used a totally different technique to paint the sides of the 2 buildings. Instead of pretending I was a whisper applying the paint with the lightest of touches, I went the total opposite direction in my quest to create a worn wood look. I literally ground the paint into the canvas with the palette knife and scraped the paint off just like I would do when creating a mountain's underpainting. Then I scraped successive lighter colors over the top of that to get the look you see. I did use a small angled brush to soften the look just a bit where needed.
If I ever paint this one again, I will use a more yellow/brown color for the grass. I think that would have allowed the fence to pop a bit more. My first fence attempt look crappy, so I repainted all the grass and repainted the fence.
Overall, I am pleased with this painting, considering the number of times I had to rework some of the elements.
On a side note here, I think Bob really struggled with this one on the show. It seems like 26 minutes was not enough time for Bob to do justice to this painting. I was a bit surprised how 'rough' Bob's version looks. The version in the book is way nicer than the show version.
Crappy photograph as usual ;) Someday ...
16" x 20" canvas. As always, your comments and suggestions (especially suggestions) are welcome.
Great version Tony! I keep putting this one off due to the gambrel roof that is intimidating to me somewhat.
Looks terrific...love the barn!
You did a good job to paint the barn. Man made objects in perspective are tough. It always require a sketch before (at least for me). Your barn looks very good!
Thanks everyone for the comments. You know what Sunnylady, after about my 49th tweak on the barn, I stepped back and sketched the outline I wanted on paper, and then I tweaked the barn for the last time. I wish I would have made a quick sketch a couple days ago LOL.
I really admire your patience! I would destroy everything at about 10th tweak. 😂
The end result is really nice! Those angles give me stress just looking at them. You pulled it off though. Nice job! And yes… bob sometimes struggles with angles in his barns and cabins. They’re not always perfect!
Very nice!
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That is a tough one Tony. I did this with acrylics which made is easier for me but to get the perspective right for the barn I needed to fiddle a lot around.
I think you did a good job.