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Mountain Lake

KASPaint 28 Feb 2023

Went a little different here. Night scene with LOTS of glowing bits. Mountain is very different, so is the sky. Foreground is from this composition. Lots of fun to just do your own thing with these. Hope you enjoy.



NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

Are those little northern lights? Nice stars! Do you do them by splattering some liquide white? I really like your colors. Your mountains are great. Very nice KAS!

@ninoum Black canvas, some transparent color on there and then just titanium white . The shine comes from some iridescent paint i like to use. It's called "Interference Violet" , Golden makes it. They have it in oil as well if that is something you want to try. The stars are liquid white yes. I do one layer and then pull up with a brush to make it look like a meteor shower, then another layer as just stars.

NTZArt Formerly Ninoum

I love that iridescent paint!!! I will give it a shot fr sure. Thank you for your star tips. Very much so appreciated!

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