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Quiet Inlet

TonyM 05 Aug 2022

Painted on 8/3/22 Quiet Inlet - s3e7

I think this my be my best painting yet. I wanted to try what I am calling a 'tilted oval'. The outside border color is white gesso mixed with a gold heavy body acrylic paint. Every single bush in this painting was painted twice for practice. Again way overcrowded (I really have to concentrate on that). I really like the detail work I added for the rocks using the script brush. I feel like I am starting to get the hang of bushes now. Overall, I am quite pleased with this one.

In hindsight, I wish I would have tilted the ova with the high side to the left and the higher mountain peaks to the left.

This painting is #4 of the next 4 where I am concentrating on bushes and using bright colors. I am using the radiant colors by Gamblin for the brightly colored bushes. Time to back off on the overloading of the bright colors. I have some good examples on canvas to choose from for future paintings.

18 X 24 canvas. Painting #39 in my awesomely fun Bob Ross experience. Never created a painting in my life before Feb 1, 2022. I am really enjoying the journey.

As always, constructive comments are welcome and appreciated. Thanks for looking, I appreciate you all.


paintingblondie The Queen of Cuties

Really pretty! Love all the colors in the bushes!

Your bitch tree is especially nice!

*mmm that’s birch tree. lol

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