Few days ago I tore the first iteration I painted of this. So I used that as a occasion to paint it again and see how much I had improved! I again painted it on a 30x40cm stretched canvas, which is fairly small and I felt that during painting. Still I think it went quite well, even though the waterfall turned out in an angle which I am retrospectively not too fond of. Anyway, a fun little painting session it was.
Super. I must have started a trend because I just did this one myself the other day.
Your version is great. π
Thanks Sandy!
Haha yeah I saw that Matt! Funnily enough that was just moments after I decided to paint it again π Thanks to you too!
Thank you Tom!
I Acryl., Top work Marc π
I hope you can give me some hints what I might improve for my acrylic version! π
Danke Dirk!
About your work Tom: I forgot to comment suggestions of improvement under your painting so i'll do it here: to be honest I feel theres not so much to improve except in tools and material, since I know from your paintings you got the strokes going really well. I think had you used the usual techniques and brushes for grass and foliage those would have come out almost exactly like with oils. I assume you didnt want to risk to compromise your brushes with acrylic paint?
Also golden open acrylics are some wonderous stuff. They stay wet for way longer. Some Open Titanium white with a bit of golden open thinner and your Waterfall would not have those breaks in the paint which are typical for acrylics.
In addition what I do for wet canvases: Let's say Bob uses liquid clear and lavender on top of that as the first 2 layers. What I would do is mix 50% golden open paint + 40+ golden retarder + 10% golden open thinner and apply that instead. I use the same mix for a liquid white equivalent. If you want an ever thinner coat you could try applying a thin coat of the mix without the paint first.
Thats everything that comes to mind right now, hoΓΆe that helps! π
Gorgeous! Done with acrylics on top of it⦠incredible job!
Thanks a lot Marc. You are right I will not do acrylics with my oil brushes. They shouldn't get in touch with water:)
Many thanks for all your hints you gave me!
that is a stunning painting!
Good job
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Just gorgeous! Love all your details!!