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David Sedberry
Hempstead, Tx
Member for 1 year

I was on short term disability for 6 weeks in the spring of '21. I was in so much pain that I did nothing but sit around and watch YouTube videos. I got hook on the Joy of Painting and thought "I could do that!" Once my pain decreased I went to Walmart and stocked up on acrylic paints and supplies and started painting.
After I returned to work I would only paint occasionally. Towards the end of '22, I decided to switch to oils and larger canvases. I figured if I was going to paint along with Bob, I was going to do it right. So I spent my Christmas bonus on Bob Ross (tm) branded paint and supplies (I the man, hate the company) and started painting my way through the Joy of Painting series. I'm trying to average one a week, so maybe I'll finish in a little less than 8 years.

Completed Challenges

Xsintrik has participated in 1 community event: