This one is a castle in Ireland the name of which escapes me but i thought the image was nice.
Great Stuff Tel!Love it!!
Really good job! Castle is terrific!
Awesome job! Love the little birds in the corner.
Very cool! Castle and water look great, that lake is positively ominous and birds in the sky are always a nice touch to lend movement and life to a painting. We should all do that more often. You have reminded me that I need to get back on my own castle and finish it. It was originally merely a color study but I wished to go back and finish it.
Thanks everybody for the kind words, just wish it was a better photograph which showed the land in the foreground and the castles reflection
I do barely see the reflections, now that you mention it. Photographing is something I also struggle with. Too much light can glare and cause distracting reflections, or wash it out. I have found I get decent results by placing a painting on my work bench under the work light, with a couple other lights at angles off to the side, and try to use a manual setting if using a phone. Also, keep a good camera in mind if you upgrade your phone. That is a prime concern of mine, and so I always go for phone w/ the best camera option.
Tel the castle is really well done. Very creative and detailed. Nice work :)
Thanks for the tip Chris, Thanks Happy for the kind words
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Darn it!....There is a land mass in the foreground but the camera hasn't captured it