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Original Creation

You coming? (Improved?)

rtparsjr 25 Jun 2024

So, my artist friend called me up and talked to me about how to correct many many issues! I didn’t think there were that many! Anyway I tried to correct some including, pinking his nose, rounding his butt, putting reds into the grass, darkening the skies. Whew! She wears me out. Anyway I hope you like it better now.



Wonderfuller Bob.!👍✌️

Thanks Brian!

Looks great!

Thanks Cold.

WOW! Impressive Bob! 🤩

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

I saw your first version, and these improvements are excellent! I love the look on his face LOL! This version has a lot more dimension.

Looks great, Bob!

Awesome job!!

Thanks everyone! My artist friend trashed it again. I’ll post more updates.

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

Oh yes, I noticed the nose right away! You are a terrific student as you made such improvements with instruction.

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